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Showing posts from July, 2022

Rangkaian Acara Pameran Karya dan Kilas Balik ACZ : Melukis On The Spot

  . Rangkaian acara Pameran karya dan Kilas Balik ACZ Melukis on The Spot : Senin 1 Agustus 2022 Pk 15.00 WIB sd selesai -   Gratis -   Cat Air / water based & alat membawa sendiri ---------- -   Pendaftaran s.d 31 Juli 2022  WA Text Only :  Kirimkan Data : - Nama Calon Peserta - Jumlah Peserta - No. WA Kirimkan WA TEXT ke :     Yaksa 081225715259 / P Galih 087770583888 ditunggu s.d 31 Juli 2022


 . . . PRESS RELEASE . Dalam rangka syukuran 70 Tahun Achmad Charris Zubair  Rencana diadakannya PAMERAN KARYA dan bagian – bagian FOTO SEJARAH bertajuk PAMERAN KARYA dan KILAS BALIK ACHMAD CHARRIS ZUBAIR . Pembukaan Pameran   Jumat 29 Juli 2022 Pukul 19.00 s.d 21.00 WIB oleh Bp  Drs. H. Herry Zudianto, M.M . Pameran : Jumat, 29 Juli 2022 sd Sabtu, 6 Agt 2022 Pk 11.00 sd 21.00 WIB  di Museum Intro - Living Museum Kotagede JL. Tegalgendu No 20 Yogyakarta *Seberang PMI Tegalgendu . ------------- CATATAN Jam buka Museum Intro Living Museum Kotagede : Senin s.d Kamis 08.00 sd 16.00 WIB Jumat 08.00 sd 14.30 WIB Sabtu Minggu TUTUP Namun jam buka pameran Setiap hari 11.00 sd 21.00 WIB ada Penjaga Pameran ACZ Achmad Charris Zubair , sekarang lebih dikenal sebagai Budayawan, ilmuwan dengan lebih dari ratusan karya ilmiah dan Penggerak Budaya Masyarakat Kotagede, ACZ adalah dosen purna tugas dari Fakultas Filsafat UGM per 1 Agustus 2017 dengan pangkat gol terakhir IV/d dan jabatan terakhir Lekto

Pameran Karya dan Kilas Balik Achmad Charris Zubair [ Poster #1]

. . . . Video Intro Pameran . . E-Catalog . . Nyuwun Pangestu Menuju Pameran Karya ACZ Achmad Charris Zubair Yogyakarta, 29 Juli - 6 Agt 2022 [ Poster #1 ] . “Untuk apa memperingati hari-hari bersejarah ? Jauh lebih penting memenangkan hari ini dan merebut masa depan yang penuh ketidakpastian dalam kompetisi global.  Sejarah adalah peristiwa dan kejadian masa lampau. Tetapi tidak semua peristiwa dan kejadian masa lampau menjadi sejarah, kecuali yang memberi dampak terhadap masa kini atau menjadi titik krusial dalam kehidupan seseorang. Sejarah menentukan hari depan. Sejarah tidak hanya merekam peristiwa dan manusia-manusia baik, tetapi juga sebaliknya... baik dan buruk pada waktunya menjadi sejarah yang tak dapat dihapus.”  . Pameran Karya dan Kilas Balik Achmad Charris Zubair rencananya akan dilaksanakan pada : . Pembukaan   Jumat 29 Juli 2022 Dibuka oleh Bp Drs. H. Herry Zudianto, M.MPukul 19.00 s.d 2

Religion in the Post-Truth Society

 . . KEYNOTE’S SPEECH Religion in the Post-Truth Society Achmad Charris Zubair ICMI DIY, Universitas Gadjah Mada . Prologue In Mahabaratha epic story, Durma—a commader in Baratha Yudha war from Kurawa side—was able to break the Pandawa’s defensive forces. This led to Krishna’s fear that if Durna continued to be in the side of Kurawas, Pandawa will soon lose the battle. Yet, Krishna got the the key of Durna’s weakness— that he is too in love with his son Aswathama. Krishna used the Durna’s weakness to build the strategy to break his power. First, Arjuna was asked to create fake news about the death of Aswathama, so Durna will be in deep misery and he will lose all his power. For sure, Arjuna refused to do that. Even though he opposed Durna, he did not want to create fake news as he also considered Durna as his teacher so he paid respect to him. In other battle, Bima was commanded to killed the elephant troop in war, named Istithama. Istithama had similar rhyme with Aswathama. When fina

Post-Truth Era and What to Do

  Post-Truth Era and What to Do . Achmad Charris Zubair Invited Speaker aiconics adab international conference on information and cultural sciences Prologue In Mahabaratha epic story, Durma who is on Kurawa side becomes the commander in Baratha Yudha war, was able to break the Pandawa’s defensive forces. This led to Krishna’s fearness that if Durma continued to lead the Kurawas, soon Pandawa will soon lose the battle. Krishna known that the weakness of Durma was that he is too in love with his son Aswathama. Arjuna was asked to spread fake news through Durma about Aswathama’s death. For sure, Arjuna refused. Even though he opposed Durma, he still considered and paid his respect to him as his former teacher.   In other command, Bima was asked to killed the elephant troop in war, Istithama that had similar name and rhyme with Aswathama. When the poor elephant was killed, Pandawa troops had announced that Istithama has died in the hand of Bima.  The death of Istithama was heard among Kura


CULTURE AND ETHIC IN THE DIGITAL AGE  Achmad Charris Zubair . Prologue It is a human nature that we are socialising and communicating with each other. A human cannot live separately from other humans. Communication is the medium of human connection. Through communications, people are connecting each other, sharing thoughts and information, and even building the sense of solidarity. Communication is essential part in human interaction. By communication, people are gaining trust with each other. But trust is also needed to build effective and prolonged communication. The loss of trust, because of problems such as conflict, hate speech, or hoax is the beginning of the broken relationship and communication. The needs of information and communication is basic and universal needs in every human history and generations. I want to cite the story of Bharatayuda war. In Mahabaratha epic story, Durma—a commader in Baratha Yudha war from Kurawa side—was able to break the Pandawa’s defensive forces


 . “WASIS LANTIP WASKITA” TATARAN ETIKA EPISTEMIK JAWA: REINTERPRETASI DAN RELEVANSI GAGASAN KI AGENG SURYOMENTARAM Achmad Charris Zubair ILMU SEBAGAI FENOMENA KEMANUSIAAN Ilmu pengetahuan merupakan ciri yang membedakan antara makhluk manusia dengan makhluk lain. Penciptaan manusia yang berilmupengetahuanlah yang membuat kondisi “kosmik” malaikat terguncang, terjadi kondisi “chaotik” dengan pertanyaan mendasar dari para malaikat: “Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?”1 Tuhan menunjukkan bahwa rencanaNya tidak keliru dengan membuktikan bahwa ciptaanNya yang berupa Adam sebagai simbolisasi manusia memiliki kelebihan dibandingkan makhluk lain yakni berilmu, sehingga semuanya tunduk kecuali iblis yang memang ______ 1 “Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat: Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi. Mer